Services for Employers
Employee Benefits Increase Productivity
As a Human Resource Professional or Company Manager, you know that the "buzz " in the workplace today is related to Employee Health and Wellness. The health and wellness of their employees is an issue that is very important to the bottom-line of every company, whether it employs two people or thousands. A new survey shows that programs that focus on disease prevention, managing specific diseases and helping employees with health issues such as weight management and smoking cessation, along with Health Savings Accounts may be just the prescription a company needs for slowing double-digit health benefit costs!
In addition to the group services described below, SHOTS, etc. offers onsite services for specific employee groups. These services include Urine Drug Screens for pre-employment and random testing, TB Skin Tests, Hepatitis B vaccines and blood titres for your designated first responders and others who may encounter blood-borne pathogens, Tetanus and Hepatitis A vaccines for those who may be exposed to human waste and all travel vaccines recommended for international work responsibilities.
Disease prevention is by far the most cost-effective way to keep healthcare costs in check. The vaccination of employees in the workplace at your Company Flu Clinic is a simple yet significant way to reduce both healthcare costs and productivity losses associated with influenza illness.
Our Health Risk Assessment (HRA) program will help identify specific risk factors that influence your employees present and future health. By identifying these risk factors, your company will see what behaviors, good and bad, affect your employees' lives.
Our FREE monthly Employee Wellness Clinics are an easy way for you to provide your employees with various services and timely health and wellness information shared by a Registered Nurse on a regular basis.
An easy and convenient way to relate timely information to your employees about various health and wellness issues is through our popular Lunch and Learn sessions. If your budget will not support the Health Risk Assessment program for your employees, you can offer a simpler menu of services during a Lunch and Learn session. Your employees are invited to a session at the workplace that may be planned to last thirty to sixty minutes, depending on the topic you choose. You may have them either "brown bag it" (bring their own lunch) or you may cater it in, whatever you choose. Fees vary according to the time involved and services chosen. SHOTS, etc. offers a FREE Lunch and Learn session for companies who allow us the opportunity to share a detailed overview of vaccine recommendations and to administer Vitamin B-12, Multi-B Plus or Vitamin D3 injections to at least ten people who are interested. The expense of the services that are administered can be paid for by the company or at the expense of the individual, whichever you choose.
Please email for more detailed information.
A well organized and comprehensive Employee Health Fair is a great way to give your employees access to a wide range of health and wellness information and to have FUN, as well! Exhibitors should offer information regarding nutrition, heart and lung health, exercise, relaxation, vision and dental health, personal safety, mental health and other health related topics. As an exhibitor, SHOTS, etc. offers very important information about vaccines and vaccine preventable diseases that will help keep your employees and their families safe and healthy while at work, at school and at play. We also offer Vitamin B-12 injections, Multi-B Plus injections, Vitamin D3 injections, simple blood screening tests and seasonal flu shots (during the fall and winter.) SHOTS, etc. is a member of Health Screening Network, a group of well-known healthcare providers who are committed to conducting a Health Fair your employees will look forward to year after year!
Please call for more detailed information.
Are you sure your vaccinations are up-to-date?
You should be vaccinated against:
You need a flu vaccination EVERY YEAR! Unvaccinated healthcare workers can spread influenza to patients and are a key cause of influenza outbreaks among patients and long-term care residents. In the likely event of a global pandemic in the near future, healthcare providers MUST be well protected in order to help care for others. Many people still believe that you can contract the flu from taking the vaccine. That was true years ago when they administered vaccines made with live influenza viruses, but that is no longer the case as now only weakened or inactivated virus is used to make all forms of the influenza vaccine. Get your flu vaccine in September-October for early protection if you are a healthcare provider!
If you are not already immune, you should be vaccinated. Persons born after 1956 should get at least one dose of MMR vaccine unless you have had EACH one of these diseases. Many employers require two doses of the vaccine or a blood titre to prove you have had the diseases or were previously vaccinated.
Everyone needs a booster every ten years! If you have never received the tetanus booster that contains pertussis (whooping cough) protection, you need this vaccine NOW, even if you just had a tetanus/diphtheria booster a year ago! Pertussis is a highly infectious respiratory disease that many of us carry in our nasal passages and that can kill infants and young children, the elderly and others who have weakened immune systems from chronic or acute illnesses, chemotherapy or other medications. NOTE: All pregnant healthcare workers should receive a dose of TDaP with each pregnancy.
5%-10% of acute Hepatitis B infections lead to chronic infection, which leads to liver damage (cirrhosis), liver cancer or death! Most people do not know that Hepatitis B is 100 times more deadly than HIV/AIDS. Hepatitis B vaccine protects nearly all who are in contact with blood, body fluids or used needles. Proof of having received three doses of Hepatitis B vaccine is required of all healthcare workers, including dental, medical, nursing, emergency and first responders in private companies. If this series is completed as recommended over a 6 month period, most people attain what is considered to be lifetime immunity, but that can only be confirmed with a Hepatitis B antibody blood test performed 1-2 months after completion of the series. Did you know that the Hepatitis B vaccine was the first anti-cancer vaccine? It prevents a form of liver cancer!
If you have not received a Meningococcal Meningitis vaccine in the past, one dose is recommended for all healthcare providers. If you are still working or serving in direct patient care after 5 years, a booster dose is now recommended.
Varicella is a highly infectious disease that can be rapidly transmitted in hospitals and nursing homes by patients, staff and visitors. If you have not had chickenpox disease, you should be vaccinated now with 2 doses given 1-2 months apart.
SHOTS, etc. can come to your facility to provide these vaccinations
to healthcare students and workers who need this very important protection! Call or email us TODAY for your individual or group appointment!
This information was compiled from information published by the ACIP, the CDC
and Needle Tips, a publication of Click below for additional information for Healthcare Providers:
1945 Mallory Lane Suite 140
Franklin, TN 37067
Monday: CLOSED
Tue, Thu, and Fri: 9am - 5pm
Wed: 9am - 2pm
Closed 12-1 pm daily for lunch
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