Pricing and Ordering
Please Note: SHOTS, etc. is now able to file certain vaccines for insurance reimbursement from most Insurance plans administered by Aetna, Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Humana, CIGNA, United Healthcare, and Medicare. We are joining other insurance networks, as well, but it takes time. Call our office to verify if we accept your insurance plan. All patients receiving vaccines and/or lab tests will be charged a $50 consultation/office visit fee.
SHOTS, etc. offers the following vaccines to help keep you healthy at work, at school and at play! Please click on the individual vaccine name to be linked to some very important information that you need to know before taking that vaccine. You may also find more information about these vaccines and the diseases they prevent by clicking on the vaccine information button on the left side bar or by visiting the CDC Website.
If you do not see the name of the blood test you desire, please call our office for special pricing.
PLEASE NOTE: All of the following vaccines and services are available at our office location BY APPOINTMENT. However, If you are receiving services at your school or place of business or at one of our Community Wellness Clinics, please be aware that the nurse carries only flu, tetanus and pneumonia vaccines in addition to Vitamin B12, Multi-B Plus and Vitamin D3 injections. If you desire to receive any other vaccines or services at your on-site appointment, you must request them from our office one week IN ADVANCE of the scheduled appointment date.
Influenza (Seasonal Flu Shot) Preservative-Free
FluMist Nasal Spray (Seasonal Flu)
Influenza HIGH DOSE (65+)
Pneumonia (Prevnar-20)
TwinRix (Hepatitis A and B combined adults only)
$225 per dose x 3 doses
RSV Adults 60 yrs and older
ABO Blood Typing
Hemoglobin A1C
Vitamin B-12 Injections
Multi B-PLUS
Vitamin D3 injections
Urine Drug Panel
TB Skin Test
Other Service Not Listed
Custom Pricing
We accept payment for services in our office by cash, check, credit or debit card. If you wish to pay by credit or debit card for services rendered at your office appointment or at a Community Wellness Clinic, you MUST prepay on our website through the security of PayPal. Simply click on the name of the vaccines or services you desire, complete the payment process, print your receipt and give it to the nurse at your appointment location.
Please note that due to variations in manufacturers' charges, these prices are subject to change.
* If you are required to take Yellow Fever vaccine or Meningococcal vaccine in order to apply for your VISA, please call as soon as possible for your appointment as the vaccine should be given at least 10-14 days prior to travel or sooner if you must apply for a VISA.
Thank you for allowing SHOTS, etc. the privilege of serving your vaccination and wellness needs!
1945 Mallory Lane Suite 140
Franklin, TN 37067
Monday: CLOSED
Tue, Thu, and Fri: 9am - 5pm
Wed: 9am - 2pm
Closed 12-1 pm daily for lunch
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